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I had such difficulty coming up with statues for this theme day - I never thought of mannequins! Clever! It must have been time to change what they were wearing - good timing!!
chercher à ne pas mettre une vierge, tout au moins sainte et mère
Brilliant and original take on today's theme. Love it!
and so politically correct ;)
des statues très modernes ; presque du post atomique
You'd think they'd put some clothes on them since they do have them in the store. LOL. Anyway, good thinking.
My blog is here Barb's Blog Hope you can take a look. Happy theme day!
I'd have to call them commercial statues! Fun and funny - bravo!
Bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo
Moi j'avais complètement zappé le thème du mois. Dans une ville qui ne manque pas de belles de pierre, j'aime ton approche iconoclaste du mot statue !
Ne sont-ce point statues que ces ersatz d'humains ?
I had such difficulty coming up with statues for this theme day - I never thought of mannequins! Clever! It must have been time to change what they were wearing - good timing!!
chercher à ne pas mettre une vierge, tout au moins sainte et mère
Brilliant and original take on today's theme. Love it!
and so politically correct ;)
des statues très modernes ; presque du post atomique
You'd think they'd put some clothes on them since they do have them in the store. LOL. Anyway, good thinking.
My blog is here Barb's Blog Hope you can take a look. Happy theme day!
I'd have to call them commercial statues! Fun and funny - bravo!
Bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo
Moi j'avais complètement zappé le thème du mois. Dans une ville qui ne manque pas de belles de pierre, j'aime ton approche iconoclaste du mot statue !
Ne sont-ce point statues que ces ersatz d'humains ?